-- -- Sentry-go Quick Monitor Alert Table Creation Script -- for SQL Server. -- -- The following table definition can be modified if you -- wish to include or remove some of the data logged. -- -- DDL Definition for SQL Server (run this from SQL Analyser or ISQL) CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SentrygoAlerts] ( [ErrorID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL , [TimeOccurred] [varchar] (30) NOT NULL , [Server] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , [CheckName] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL , [AlertText] [varchar] (500) NOT NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] -- SQL Definition (this SQL can be entered into the Easy Access Utility's -- "Logging" tab in order to log data to the above table. Remove any "--" -- when entering the SQL) -- -- INSERT INTO SentrygoAlerts -- (TimeOccurred, Server, CheckName, AlertText) -- VALUES ('<$$TIMELOGGED>', '<$$SERVER>', '<$$TEST>', Left('<$$ERROR>', 499))